Our club gives you an opportunity to take action alongside leaders in the community on important issues affecting not only close to home, but our nation, and the world.
We also have a ton of fun socializing or working together on service projects as well as hosting community events inviting the public to come out and join us.
Members of our Rotary Club connect at weekly meetings and learn from business experts, political and civic leaders, and entrepreneurs, who help us stay informed on topics that are relevant to our community.
Together, we know we make great things happen. We have a structure that focuses on action and positive results.

Who We Are
Rotary brings people together like you — from all walks of life — who want to use their expertise for good. People whose sense of responsibility inspires them to give back to their communities. At Rotary, we connect for good — and form lifelong friends in the process.
Together, we empower youth, improve health, promote peace, and advance our communities in all corners of the globe. With 1.2 million members in 34,000 clubs worldwide, our global community's impact has never been greater — and it continues to grow.
What We Do
Rotary members believe that we have a shared responsibility to take action on our world’s most persistent issues. Our 46,000+ clubs work together to:
Promote peace
Fight disease
Provide clean water, sanitation, and hygiene
Save mothers and children
Support education
Grow local economies
Protect the environment
Join us on Tuesdays!
Our club meets every Tuesday at noon for lunch at our clubhouse.
Everyone is given a chance to see what Rotary is about by joining us for a delicious lunch and getting a real taste of what Rotary is doing for their community, but also the communities around the world.
Each guest will be introduced and welcomed by our members and then as a group, we will discuss upcoming projects, events, and other topics of interest including new memberships.
Upcoming Events
Tuesday Luncheons
Rotary Club of Hollywood
Every Tuesday
To Be
To Be Announced
Date To Be Determined